Face massage roller - white - jade Face massage roller - white - jade Face massage roller - white - jade
Face massage roller - white - jade Face massage roller - white - jade Face massage roller - white - jade
Face massage roller - white - jade
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Massage roller made of the semi-precious stone white Jade (quartz) for the face. White Jade gives you self-confidence and also helps with insomnia.

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1-3 work days

€ 31,45
€ 18,87
Price per Stuk

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Massage roller made of the semi-precious stone white Jade (quartz) for the face. The massage roller is approximately 14 x 5.5 cm and is packed in a nice storage box. Weight approx. 160 grams in total with box.

Jade white gives you self-confidence and insight to make the decisions that lead to the best results. White Jade takes away the fear of making mistakes. It helps against insomnia.

Disclaimer: It is and remains important to always use medical help where it is needed. Although we try to share essential information on this site that could greatly benefit everyone's health, it is not intended to encourage anyone to exclude medical attention. On the contrary! If you have any complaints, always seek help from your doctor first!

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