Labradorite ball bracelet 6 mm
Labradorite ball bracelet 6 mm
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protection, spiritual power and intuition.
€ 6,99
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Labradorite is a strongly protective and spiritual stone. It protects your own energy field (aura) against negative influences from the environment and people who take energy away from you. The stone reduces fear and gives strength, (self) confidence and perseverance. It strengthens intuition and mediumistic gifts. The stone makes contact with the subconscious and brings up forgotten memories. Labradorite stimulates imagination and creativity and helps develop ideas. The stone has a blood pressure lowering and calming effect, regulates metabolism and has a positive effect on colds, gout, rheumatism, the eyes and on irregular menstruation and menstrual complaints.

diameter: +/- 5 cm

Zodiac Sign: Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

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