moonstone multicolor ball bracelet 6 mm
moonstone multicolor ball bracelet 6 mm
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fertility, the Divine Feminine, intuition and balance
€ 9,99
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Moonstone has a strong connection with the moon and feminine energy. The stone promotes intuition and fertility and has a calming effect on the emotional life. Moonstone strengthens paranormal abilities such as mediumistic gifts and clairvoyance. The stone also has a strong effect on sleep and dreams and helps with insomnia and helps to remember dreams better. It is a good stone for women who are or want to become pregnant and supports pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Moonstone can also be useful for (pre)menstrual complaints and complaints after childbirth and during menopause. Physically, moonstone has a detoxifying effect and activates the pineal gland and ensures balance in the hormonal system. The stone has a positive influence on digestion and reproductive organs and reduces fluid retention.

diameter: +/- 5 cm

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Libra

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